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Showing posts from May, 2018
Berit miller On may18 the class went down to the wetlands to be taught how to interpret by Berit Miller. When we were at the wetlands we were taught a variety of different things, all of witch will be helpful on Tuesday when we go down to the wetlands. One of the most common things people were worried about was not being able to hold the students attention. Berit Miller teached us how to get and keep the students attention. At the wetlands he taught us general interpretation tips like standing facing the wind or the sun so it does not distract the kids. He also told us that all the kids should be in a triangle that you make with your arms so the audience can see and hear your clearly. After he gave us some general tips we all went station to station and he gave us tips that were specific to each station. My station was producers consumers and de composers, for our group he taught us a new game that was simpler and easier to teach to the children. The game that he taught us was c...

River canoeing

On Monday we went canoeing on the river and learned many things. One of the first things we learned was another way to put our canoe into the water instead of putting it straight in we put it in sideways. Another thing we learned how to do was ferry across the river this is helpful when you need to get from one side of the river to another easily. During class time we had talked about strainers and sweepers in rivers when we were on the river we actually got to see a sweeper witch we had to avoid. At one point in the trip me and my partner got stuck on a rock in a set of rapids, after some time we got our canoe free and continued on the trip, from there on we were extra careful making sure we did not hit anything else, this experience taught us how to identify objects in the water. Overall I learned a lot of skill that will be useful later on.
April 26 This is the PowerPoint I made about the importance of wetlands This is the infographic me and my partner made

5 points about my tour of the wetland

May 10 Wetlands tour After we finished canoes we went to the wetland and our teacher gave us a tour pointing thing out along the way, 5 things that he pointed out are 1.a dead muskrat he pointed out that muskrats are prey for pretty much everything 2. We saw a bird nest and he pointed out that you could see the bird still in it 3. There are turtles in our wetlands 4. There are bird nests and houses all around the wetland 5. The wetland used to be a gravel pit

Canoeing day 1

May 10 My canoeing experience Today was the first day of canoeing. The first thing we had to do was unload the canoes off the trailer, I thought this would be a lot harder than it actually was. Once we got onto the canoes we had to do a full circle witch I thought was pretty easy. When moving the canoe forward the person in the back had to do a j-stroke witch is a stroke witch keeps the canoe moving in a straight line. This stroke turned out to be a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. Overall I thought that this canoeing trip was fun. Mr Coulson said that we needed to bring a extra set of clothing in 2 garbage bags, a towel, something to hold your glasses on, and something to scoop water out of your canoe. 1101 is you have 1 minute of hyperventilation you have 10 minutes of moving around in the water then you have 1 hour before going unconscious this happens when you fall in the water.
April 30 Interpretation 1. Relate to the audience. “ any interpretation that does not somehow relate what is being displayed or described to something within the personality or experience of the visitor will be sterile” (Tilden 1967).  you should  try to find out what the people you are talking to know about the site and it’s natural features. You should also try to find out what interests them the most about the site. People tend to relate to information that is directly related to observable features of the land. 2. Reveal information about the topic. “ information, as such, is not interpretation. Interpetation is revelation based on information”  (Tilden 1967)  to reveal information find a element within the topic that you can put a new spin on, this gives the veiwer a unique viewpoint. 3. Be a combination of many arts. “Interpretation is an art, witch combines many other arts. Whether the materials presented are scientific, historical or architectural” (...
The most important thing in a wetland I think that the most important thing that a wetland does is it provides habitats for animal that would not have a habitat other wise.

Water testing

May 7 Water testing On Friday we tested the water for a variety of different things these include things like E-coli, ammonia, dissolved oxygen, Ph, phosphate, nitrate, nitrogen, turbitity, and water temperature.